Tripal User's Meeting 2017/05/05 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
We now have "Powered by Tripal logos" if you'd like to add one to your site:
If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us now and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site
State of Tripal
Tripal Installations
Registered extensions on
Extension Type
Bulk Loader Template 1
Materialized View 1
Extension Module 27
Development Stage
Released: Needs debugging 1
Released: Ready for Use 16
In Development 10
Mailing list support
Twitter: started June 2016, 80 followers, 100 tweets, 1 moment (PAG XXV)
Three Workshops at PAG: 2017, 2016, 2015. Approximately 30-60 attendees at each event.
Action Item: Average number of folks who show for our monthly online meetings ???
Tripal v2.1
Tripal v3
Mailing list consolidation
Will remove gmod-tripal-announce and gmod-tripal-devel but keep gmod-tripal.
Major announcements will be made on the @TripalProject Twitter account and Tripal website for those who don't want to be on the mailing list.
Report on GO loading problem
Nic (Tree Genes):
How to have different permissions for different users
hook_permission(), user_access(), hook_access()
Example module VCF Filter that does this.
This module has a table listing all the VCF files to make available and then a second table that link each VCF file to users/roles that should have permission to see it.
There is also an administration screen provided by the module per VCF file allowing users/roles to be set
The way access is controlled is by providing an API function that returns the list of VCF files
Then every time you need the list of files by using this API function to retrieve them you can ensure that only files the current user has permission to see will be available.
Installation Profiles (Lacey, USASK)
Packages Drupal/Tripal/Extension modules needed into a bundle.
Simplifies Tripal installation.
Genomics (extensions and content types specific)
Stock Collection (with eCommerce modules built in)
Headless Tripal with Loaders with privacy.
Current discussion on the issue queue:
We would greatly appreciate any input on content types and/or functionality you would like to see included!
Wish List / Hate List
What can core developers to better help adoption/training/etc….
Tripal User's Meeting 2017/09/08 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Updated Tripal site:
Tripal v3 API documentation coming in September.
Online Training Events
Sept 29th. How to use Tripal v3
Oct 27th. Possible Topic Tripal + Galaxy Integration
Nov 30th. Topic TBD
Possible week-long GMOD "Summer School" in November.
2-Day User's Meeting and Hackathon at PAG XXVI, January 11-12th.
Add documentation for web services:
Thank you!
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us now and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site
Python-tripal (tripaille) and loading data from Galaxy (Anthony B)
Installation Profiles -- (Tripal Style) (Shawna)
Generic install
Current profile suggestions
Genomics site
Breeding site
What content types are desired?
What ontologies should be added?
What other profiles are desired?
TODO: Create a google doc for suggestions.
Possibly allow user input to expand installation steps.
How do other groups store metrics about an analysis in Chado (Monica)
Questions about Tripal v3?
Items not discussed:
Tripal User's Meeting 2017/12/08 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Announcements & Reminders:
Tripal session at PAG will be Sunday January 11th from 4:00pm to 6:10pm in the California room
Yi Zheng: "Cucurbit Genomics Database: Integration Genetic and Genomics Resources for Cucurbit Breeding"
Dorrie Main: "Updates on Tripal Mapviewer and the Tripal Breeding Information Management System (BIMS)"
Stephen Ficklin: "The Tripal Gateway Project: Supporting Exchange, Transfer and Analysis of Large-Scale Data for Online Biological Databases"
Nic Herndon: "Tripal Extensions Facilitate Association Mapping Studies on Forest Trees with CartograTree
Abdullah Almsaeed: "Tripal Elasticsearch: Bringing Simple and Powerful Sitewide Search to Tripal Websites"
Sheri Sanders: "National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS) use and development of Tripal Genome Browsers on XSEDE’s Jetstream"
Alicia Talavera: "An Open and Community Oriented Web Portal for Subtropical Fruit Trees Genomic, Phenotype and Breeding Data Analysis"
Thanks to Meg Staton (Univ. of Tennessee) and Ethy Cannon (Iowa State) for putting together this year's workshop!
GMOD Workshop 10th-11th. Both in the T&C. Brittany room
Tripal Hackathon and User's Meeting from 1/11-1/12 in the Garden Salon I at the Town and Country, meeting 9am-4:30pm each day with a group dinner Thursday night.
We would like to post your funded projects on the site:
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us now and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site
Any generic or otherwise sharable Tripal efforts toward collecting and presenting gene function information (functional statements, ontology terms, et cetera, plus authority [typically a paper]). (Ethy)
Function information derived from literature about genes.
Perhaps check with GMOD schema mailing list.
PaperBLAST searches for papers associated with sequence
Tripal Gateway Project Update
Tripal v3 Update
Completed online Tutorial coming
Tripal v3 API documentation up by March.
Data collections (shopping cart system)
Demo site updated on
Data Exchange
Tripal v3 Web services browseable with the HydraConsole:
ElasticSearch from Staton Lab:
Working on integration with Data Collections and Tripal v3.
Cross-site querying already working in dev, but will be released by January.
Cross-site querying can work on Tripal v2 as well! Both Tv2 and Tv3 can cross-site query.
Galaxy Integration Resources
Tripal Galaxy Module Released in October.
Workflows compatible:
Basic set up of jetstream galaxy
Set up of Tripal V2 docker on jetstream:
Anthony Bretaudeau@BIPAA: Sorry I can’t attend, but some news if you’re interested:
Working on updating to tripal 3 (v3.x branch) -- For Production
Updating too, work in progress, changes needed in tripal: working on WS:
For Development Docker image and Galaxy form Staton group.
I (Ethy) am giving a talk on Tripal in the GMOD workshop at PAG. I plan to focus on how the Legume Federation is using Tripal but will also give a general update re: Tripal 3. If there is some aspect of Tripal 3 that you think should be mentioned, please email
Will put slides in a Google Doc for folks to provide input
Please Email ethy if you'd like access to these slides.
BrAPI (Breeders API):
Perhaps integration with Tv3 Web Services. Perhaps talk in February/March.
Uses Chado as the data store.
MCPD (Multi Crop Passport Descriptor)
Other Project Updates?
Add agenda to the Tripal User's Meeting in San Diego the Issue about "Is Tripal FAIR?"
Valentin's group is working on a phenotyping module.
Analysis Expression module Tripal 3 release this month?
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/01/12 @ San Deigo -- PAG Conference |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Further PAG Events
Tripal Workshop on Sunday in the California room at 4pm
GMOD Workshop on Wednesday in the Pacific Salon 4&5 at 10:30am.
Tripal Galaxy talk on Tuesday , 5:50pm, California room
AgBioData Booth -- Check it out if you aren't participating. Booth #407
AgBioData Meeting -- Monday, 7:00-8:30PM, Pacific Salon 3-4.
Post funded projects on the Tripal site
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us now and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site.
If you publish on your site please remember to cite Tripal (Sanderson et. al. 2013). A Tripal v3 paper will be submitted this year. (We did not have a Tripal v2 paper).
Discussion Topics (Open Agenda)
Data upload & download
Dynamic quantitative trait chart summarizing the data for a given trait/project combination. This chart keeps site-years separate but averages replicates.
Version 2.0 will include trait pages and specialized Tripal 3 fields
Boyce Thompson Institute
Synteny Viewer
RNA-seq Module
Main Lab
Tripal Map
Breeding Information Management System
Data templates and loaders for loading non-sequence data: markers, maps, genotypes, contacts, QTLs import into Chado. Data Display Chado Loader
Search module for faster Chado searches without Views Chado Search
Legume Federation
Link Out module (proposed). Allows you to link out to other resources for an entity (e.g. gene -> genome browser, synteny browser, gene pages, etc.)
Blast UI. Also USask. Working to convert to Tv3 to take advantage of web services.
Phylogenetic Tree Viewer.
GIS Tool is available for placing germplasm on the map of the world
Vivek at JCVI is working on a Drupal module that queries across InterMine instances.
Has an H5ai interface (non-Tripal sepcific) that can be used for providing a web-browser for files stored on the site.
Staton Lab
Ficklin / Staton Lab
Upgrading to Tripal v3. Who has started & how is it going?
KnowPulse: “cleaning” up our Chado, improving cvterms used & developing Tripal3 fields for our extensive customizations
GrainGenes (non-Chado db interface; migration strategy; also ground-up dbs)
CSFL development site is in Tv3
Hardwoods + expression module will be fully upgraded very soon
Took longer than expected
Need more documentation!!!
Issues occurred with storing differently in Chado than what Tripal expects.
What is Tripal lacking?
What do you dislike about Tripal?
Give a call stack with an error?
Fail early and often.
How to determine where the problem is especially if Drupal.
where do tripal_set_messages go.
Long-term sustainability plans for your sites?
Tripal forms the part of sustainability
Tripal permits the site to be built with fewer people.
Have folks to build into their grants funding for people to curate data to work closely with the database.
Make data accessioned elsewhere if funding slows. To guarantee that the data has more permanence.
Training and outreach… what do you need?
regular online codefest to target coding issues.r Tripal Therapy.
Training topics:
How to write a Tripal Module to define a content and add some fields.
Web Services
Setting up Site-wide searching.
Intro to Chado -- where to put stuff.
Visualization tools for Chado.
How to use the Natural Diversity module (or not use it).
There are programs to get transcripts off of videos to make searches.
Camtasia -- make Training videos. rather than
API to pass files to Galaxy workflow (Nic).
TODO: a future user's meeting or hackathon meeting today.
Hackathon Afternoon ideas
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/02/02 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
- Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
- You can make your own team in the github repo. Ask stephen/lacey/meg for permission to join the Tripal organization.
- If not, please tag the repo as Tripal.
- Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
- If you need a login let us know. You have to email one of the admins.
- If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us know and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
- We need to reach out to new tripal sites to encourage them to get their site on etc.
- Let’s (Shawna please talk to Stephen) about who in the outreach team is responsible for reaching out. Ethy will try to reach out to those present at PAG
- Additional needs? We will add training videos.
- API in March
- Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site.
- If you publish on your site please remember to cite Tripal (Sanderson et. al. 2013). A Tripal v3 paper will be submitted this year. (We did not have a Tripal v2 paper).
Thank You to those who participated in our Hackathon, User's Meeting and Workshop in San Diego
- 25 people attended the Hackathon/User's Meeting
- 50-80 people were in attendance during the talks at the Tripal Workshop
- Expect another Tripal PAG event next year!
- Tripal workshop at ASPB in july/ASHS?
- Would be nice to improve Tripal outreach efforts by giving talks at other conferences/sessions about Tripal3. IE tripal talk in the ontology session. Or include a standardized “Tripal slide” to include in all talks. Could host on
- Please fill out the survey about our PAG events: Even if you did not attend we'd like to receive your feedback about it.
Future Training/Tripal Therapy Events events.
- Need to videotape trainings. Time is OK for those present. Please add further training suggestions below and/or training topics you are willing to host (this is in the survey!)
- Currently we have dev calls on the first Friday of the month
- We could add a call on the third Friday of the month - does 8am US Pacific, 11am US Eastern, 5pm European Central work?
- Perhaps offer two times… one for Americas and another for Europe?
- Suggest alternating between organized training and tripal therapy topic
- Training: Suggestions from last month's meeting:
- How to write a Tripal Module to define a content and add some fields.
- Web Services
- Setting up Site-wide searching.
- Intro to Chado -- where to put stuff.
- Visualization tools for Chado.
- How to use the Natural Diversity module (or not use it).
- Tripal Therapy Sessions
- Bring your problems and we'll have folks to help debug. The idea is to meet all together and then break out into separate sessions to work together on a problem.
- 3rd Friday of each month at the same time.
- Is meeting 2x per month too much? Other suggestions?
Topics from the Hackathon that didn't get addressed
- Is Tripal FAIR?
- Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable
- We can't enforce but can enable.
- Findable: metadata support? can this be enforced?
- Who would enforce metadata? Core? Extension modules?
- PeanutBase/LIS has a genome metadata module based on MIxS and its plant extension from the Genomic Standards Consortium.
- Upcoming module for genome metadata that adheres to some recommendations.
- Federated searching
- Encourage module authors: Have to choose metadata standard. Tricky if none exist, or no standard.
- Accessible: ?
- Interoperable: ?
- Reusable: shared modules.
Documentation standards for Tripal extension modules
- We can allow for inclusion in the Tripal User's Guide for folks who want to put it there.
- We can link from the User's Guide to your GitHub project page
- Suggested standards
- Insist that there be documentation (could use a dedicated support person here)
- Step-by-Step setup instructions with screen shots
- Step-by-Step usage instructions with screen shots
- ?API guide if there is API
- How does this module approach CHADO storage
- New documentation. The maps are helpful and you could use this to show where
- Not just function description but also examples of use
- has its own set of documentation standards: encourage people to look at them.
- Tripal Core uses doxygen
- How to document API, with examples
- Open Layers,
- GeoServer API,
- Best practices for writing modules: handling updates and uninstalls (Ethy)
- Recommendation is develop the uninstall as you write the install
- Feedback on github issue template? (click create new issue to see the template)
INSTRUCTIONS: The following template is meant to provide the information that will help other Tripal developers diagnose and reproduce your issue. Follow the directions below to complete the template. If the template is not appropriate for your issue you may remove it and describe your issue.
### System information
<!--Please enter the following information (if able). All information is available in your site's administrator report area (Administration Toolbar > Reports > Status Report) -->
* Tripal Version:
* Drupal Version:
* PostgreSQL Version:
* PHP Version:
### Issue description
<!-- Please describe your issue here
Some information you might want to include: the page you're seeing the issue on, what behaviour you're experiencing versus what you expect, steps to reproduce... really anything you think might best help us help you! -->
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/03/02 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
You can make your own team in the github repo. Ask stephen/lacey/meg for permission to join the Tripal organization.
If not, please tag the repo as Tripal.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us know and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
We need to reach out to new tripal sites to encourage them to get their site on etc.
Let’s (Shawna please talk to Stephen) about who in the outreach team is responsible for reaching out. Ethy will try to reach out to those present at PAG
Additional needs? We will add training videos.
API in March
Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site.
If you publish on your site please remember to cite Tripal (Sanderson et. al. 2013). A Tripal v3 paper will be submitted this year. (We did not have a Tripal v2 paper).
Tripal release schedule
A regular release schedule and corresponding notifications to the mailing list, website, and twitter account so that users know when to update their sites.
Perhaps just sent an update of what was fixed in an email.
Tripal Collection on (Bradford Condon)
(Developer issue if time) - CI Testing framework. [Discussion Thread]
Staton Lab working on Tripal Test Suite: Composter
Potential Training:
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/04/06 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
You can make your own team in the github repo. Ask stephen/lacey/meg for permission to join the Tripal organization.
If not, please tag the repo as Tripal.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
If you have a new site or major updates to your existing site let us know and we can publish those on the Tripal news feed and twitter accounts.
We need to reach out to new tripal sites to encourage them to get their site on etc.
Let’s (Shawna please talk to Stephen) about who in the outreach team is responsible for reaching out. Ethy will try to reach out to those present at PAG
Additional needs? We will add training videos.
API in March
Send us your logo if you have shared a module with the community and would like it showcased on the site.
If you publish on your site please remember to cite Tripal (Sanderson et. al. 2013). A Tripal v3 paper will be submitted this year. (We did not have a Tripal v2 paper).
Tripal v3 stable release update
Documentation, especially for installation, to help newbies, and for people investigating Tripal for the first time.
Might be helpful to have a statement indicating the overall philosophy of Tripal and the problems it is solving.
Could be interlaced in install process ("now you need to...")
Detect missing parts (e.g. "you have not yet created the necessary files in ...")
A list of FAQs would be helpful.
Related: could we re-visit Tripal discussions as the GitHub approach doesn't seem to encourage conversations around questions or ideas the way the e-mail list did.
Searchable archives of past discussions: information is now in multiple places (documentation, old e-mail list archives, GitHub, meeting notes, Twitter, ...)
Encouraging conversations.
Stephen suggests Gitter
Stephen also mentioned the use of SLACK
Lacey suggested adding to the template for issues to make them more welcoming to discussion (
The concern seems to be that there are not enough people listening on github. You can’t do a shout-out to all tripal users
We can suggest to subscribe to the issue queue but then they get all the issue updates as well which could get annoying
ACTION ITEM: Find a tool to encourage more discussion.
Someone from the LIS group could describe how gene families are saved in Chado, vocabulary used, et cetera.
Relates to the phylotree module -what version do we use?
Gene families started with the idea of displaying trees so they started with the phylogeny module
Create gene family definitions based on a HMM which is the basis for multiple sequence alignments
Try to follow the chado conventions for multiple sequence alignments
HMM defines the consensus sequence then everything else is aligned to that
Use featureprops to say that a given gene is part of the same family as everyone else
All members will be represented in the featureprop table to ensure that there is one consistent entry point for what genes are part of this family
There is a cvterm that indicates the featureprop is a gene family and the value the name/id of the tree (gene family)
Use materialized views for the gene search. This could be used to see how the data is stored and are part of the module definition
Tripal issue on topic:
GitHub Repo:
Bradford: can use feature_relationship but then you have to create a feature for the gene family which feels like shoe-horning data into Chado
Andrew: If you think of a gene family as an ancestral gene that everything is derived from then it’s a feature like everything else
Bradford: feature table has not nullable organism_id so what is the organism for the group? Do you define the common ancestor in the organism table?
Sook: as long as we agree then it’s ok. We store populations in the stock table…
Andrew: problem with storing the common ancestor is the genus and species fields…
Stephen: Core tree loader downloads the full lineage from NCBI for the organisms in the organism table. The higher level nodes are only represented in the tree, not in the organism table.
Bradford: feels the phylotree is a pretty good model for a generic group model although it’s currently for trees
Stephen: if we can agree on a approach then it will make it a lot easy to share data
We should document Andrews method and propose it as a recommendation
Bradford: if you gene models are not external then do you have to create and maintain a db+dbxref collection for de novo gene models
Sook: Chado is also used by SGN (Naama) and the Venter Institute?
As far as suggestions go, we can form our own Tripal group to discuss and then suggest to the wider chado
Sook: comment on storing the gene families in the featureprop table.. We shouldnt use the value to link… Perhaps we need a linker table to phylotree for features
Andrew: what about people who want gene families but not trees?
Stephen: we should organize a meeting with the Chado community about gene families
ACTION ITEM: Bradford to organize a time to meet and follow up on his original email
ACTION ITEM: Andrew Farmer to make up a more formal document describing how LIS stores gene models
ACTION ITEM: Bradford: perhaps we need a blog section of for things like this.
This is done by Galaxy. Could be helped by us asking specific people to create blog posts ;-)
This could also help with creating a forum for discussion.
We do have to be mindful of the searching multiple sources problem
If you want to see my tripal posts, they are here:
Test and Continuous Integration.
In tripal core
in your custom modules
Creates the testing environment
Really easy to install!
Provides a special Tripal test class
Data Seeders :-) to help with ensuring tests have the data they need
Factories allow you to generate 100’s of records in one line :-)
Can be used to see the tests being run automatically
Also makes sure the module installs and builds correctly
Requires your module to be in github
NOTE: link you github account and it will detect new modules and once you say “test this module” it will detect code changes and re-run tests each time :-)
Lots of documentation on the github repo
Meg: This would a Great training topic
Ethy: a help desk call with a slower walk through of setting this up
Next help desk call on April 20th
Definitely have a break-out for testing if there’s interest
Allows us to all use the same testing! You can follow core’s lead easily using the Tripal Test Suite
Docker used for this available?
Please check out our developer docker manager tool if you are interested in a tool to manage your docker (skip the learning curve):
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/05/04 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Anything anyone wants to bring up? Any questions?
Moving Forward: governance
Issue started on GitHub here:
Identification of driving principles for future Tripal development
Basics: FAIR, Open-source, free
Future changes should be for the benefit of the Tripal community, not any one group.
Improved quality of Tripal core and extension modules of the community
Prioritized development plan the transcends the goals for who has the most funding.
Develop a contribution process (commit standards)
Avoid feature bloat
Encourage others to more actively participate by
helping respond to issues
testing pull requests
offering suggested changes to Tripal core.
Health vs Unhealthy open-source projects (
Users = orange; Contributors = green; Committers: teal; Technical Committee: blue.
Leadership structures for open-source projects:
Benevolent Dictator for life (BDFL)
Meritocracy: those who demonstrate merit get formal decision making role. Contributions are made by people not the groups they represent.
Liberal contribution: those who do the most work get a more influential role (not based on historical involvement)
What do we want to avoid?
One group, with the most funding, directing Tripal away from community needs.
Bottlenecks in responding to users.
Bottlenecks in accepting PRs
Slow to adapt to changing technologies
Dependence on one group for core changes.
Ethy: There should be a keeper or keepers. Concerned that "cruft" will get built up in the code. With lots of people working on it in various directions there could be bloat. A keeper of a vision may lock things down too tightly. Have a lead and give roles to others for certain areas.
e.g. lacey in Tv2 was the Views expert so it made sense to have issues go through her.
So it may make sense to have contributors become experts in certain areas.
Area leads help decide what is appropriate for that area.
Bradford: Have a blend of meritocracy with committers. Adding major features can be controlled via a vote, provided they already follow set contributions guidelines. He would like not every minor decision has to go through several people and requires a few weeks to get decisions made.
Meg: It's important give people "in the code" the power to do what they need to do. Higher-level decisions on steering should be in a committee. Two types of folks represented: those who are not in the code, but contribute financially and making decisions for their own needs (PIs), those who code and are actively involved.
How to improve contributions
Meg: When writing grants if folks commit to support core development, including training their staff to contribute to issue queue.
Ethy: agreed the learning curve is very steep, because it takes a while to feel comfortable knowing if problems are issues with Tripal or personal understanding
Bradford: how likely someone is to jump in and contribute if:
pull requests are being accepted
there is visible communication between others.
online rules.
BC- We respond to issues, kindly and punctually. If there’s coding that needs to be done to resolve, we encourage user to try to submit themselves. Offer to help them with their PR too. → training good contributors.
Meg: work on our yearly hackathon. We need new developers who need training.
Ethy: have a virtual training "hackathon" online to help folks get started. For example "who wants to start a Tripal v3 field and let's work on it together"
Stephen: how to include folks outside of North American time zones.
Action Items:
Complete the document for "Workflow for Contribution" containing acceptable guidelines for pull requests, what's the process is used to approve them.
Project committee:
Consists of coders and committers to help setup governance rules and develop the documents and manage the project
Pull request mergers.
Issue answerererers. (the ones who make sure all issues ARE answered ;-) )
Deadline for Contributions and decision making document: July 1st. Governance document can follow.
Sooner we have a guiding document, sooner committers can start merging PRs that meet guidelines without having to funnell all decisions through BDFL.
Give a community comment period.
Specifically formalize how to contribute, who merges PRs, what PRs need to be to get merged, how to welcome contribution by our actions in Github, etc. by this deadline
Broader topics of governance can wait to be decided by the formal committee
Defining steering committee:
We need a set of guidelines to preserve long-term goals.
Should represent everyone. Labs that use Tripal, people who contribute, etc.
These are major directional decisions: Meet once a quarter? Once a year? Could even just meet 1x at PAG….
Once issues are identified in terms of what Tripal needs to think about. IE supporting new data types, Drupal 8…. We can assign committees. Now anyone who wants to write a grant, they can write it into their grant and take on a role on the committee.
Is this really any different than how we do our meetings at PAG?
We need to have a good representation
Roles (but don't actually label people see below):
Is categorizing people into roles bad?
Maybe instead we make part of the mission “we want to make sure each of these roles are presented:”. SO instead, when we put out the call, we want people in all of these areas.
How many members? How long will they serve? Maybe the committee will decide these things when they meet.
First thing on the docket during the first meeting
Talk about the switch to D8 and how we will go about it.
Shawna is planned to start working on this in August. Hard to get committee going before then. Maybe instead interim committee should be formed so we can discuss this issue before
Have an open committee meeting in August/September to discuss Drupal 8 and Tripal v4
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/06/01 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Previous meeting notes here:
Consider adding your modules into the Tripal GitHub organization.
Tag your modules on GitHub with the "tripal" topic so we can find them all.
Remember to update the status of your modules on the site.
Code with other users in mind, try to co-develop with others, submit issues when help is needed and try to help others
Please consider adding Unit Testing to your extension modules.
Help Desk call June 15th.
New releases of Tv2 and Tv3 this summer.
Governance Progress Updates
We have formed an interim Project Management Committee (PMC): Stephen Ficklin, Lacey Sanderson, Bradford Condon
Reminder, the PMC ultimately should consist of coders and committers to help setup governance rules and develop the documents and manage the project
Please consider adding to our discussion about Governance here:
We have a slack workspace. Anyone who would like to be involved in governance issues can join. Just let us know and we will add you.
Goal: July 1st have Code Contributions document.
We will have an open meeting in August or September to discuss Tripal v4 design.
Open Meeting Agenda Items
Please add discussion items here
Summary of Tripal v3 Users and Available Modules
Please add your site/module to this list if you are upgrading/on Tripal 3
Tripal User's Meeting 2018/08/03 |
Tripal Community Meeting Notes |
Upcoming Events
Tripal v3 stable release -- Sept 3rd.
Tripal PAG Workshop committee requesting abstracts this Fall.
Tripal v4 discussion at September's meeting.
SLACK discussion:
Introduction to GitHub Issue Discussions
Choose label "discussion". Quick link:
Tripal Content Types
Add fieldsets to organize content types… perhaps by module.
If not fieldset, some organization method so that creating content isnt overwhelming.
Sites have the power to remove/not install content types you dont care about.
Sites can change the label to suit their needs, and the term will be the same across sites.
Having default content types encourages use of similar terms for cross-site data sharing.
Sites have the power to use different terms if they choose.
But we discourage this since it reduces cross-site compatibility.
Once we have a list of cv term assignments for all Chado tables/columns, we would like to put it to the Chado community for comment.
Chris had wanted a
linking table between organism and analysis
There’s already a module! **Cheers -thanks statonlab!**
This module needs a bit of work to make it more shareable. Considering there’s a couple of groups who want to use it, i’ll make that a priority. (bradford)
Apollo/JBrowse integration
JBrowse module:
Made quite a bit of progress with JBrowse community to make it natively embededable! It should now be possible so that’s the next plan for the above module.
Bradford had mentioned that the statonlab would be interested in collaborating on this since hardwood genomics would love it. Lacey is very excited about this :-)
Ideas: Core includes all definitions. It seperates them into general topics via fieldsets.
Discussion: bloat is a major concern. Benefits: Now when someone installs tripal, they see that hey there’s a breeding module!
The bundles aren’t enabled by default but listed with links to “Install this module to use these contents?”
PHP/Drupal/Tripal Pro's/Con's
General discussion on what fields/formatters should go in core?
Specifically, :-)
Project-wide style update
formatting style (code style).
Fear of breaking everything right before our stable release (stephen, shared by Lacey)
Let’s do it after the stable release then :-)
3.1 or bust