Tripal v3.0-rc1 released!
We have worked to test as much as possible and therefore make this a "release candidate". This is the step just before stable 7.x-3.0 release. There will be no major changes to infrastructure or design in later releases as this release represents a completed design. The only exception is some additional updates to come for web services. We are currently in the process of upgrading several Tripal sites to use Tripal v3 for production so we will have multiple Tv3 sites online soon!
Ag Data Survery
Please see the message below from the Ag Data Curation folks at U. of Maryland. If you use agricultural data please consider filling out their survey or forwarding along to your user base!
Online Training 4/21
The training topic is use of the Chado bulk loader for importing data stored in tab-delimited text files. All are welcome to attend.
The meeting begins at 8am Pacific Daylight Time and the same time in these time zones:
Tripal v2.1 released
The following changes exist with this version:
Tripal v3.x beta1 Released
Tripal v3 represents a major redesign over Tripal v2 with a more Drupal compatible design, RESTful web services, greater control of layouts with less programming, the ability to create data mash-ups between Tripal sites, and support storage of data other than Chado. See the Tripal v3.x User's Guide for installation and setup instructions. This version is beta and is expected to have bugs and some functionality is still under construction. The Developer's Handbook and API documentation are coming this Spring!