Tripal v3-rc2 released!


To upgrade, follow the typical instructions for upgrading any Drupal module.  Note: Always be sure to backup your site before performing any update!

For a quick Drush update use the following commands inside your Drupal's installation path:

drush pm-download tripal
drush updatedb

That's it!  

Online Training Event: Tripal v3

This Friday we will hold the first of three online training sessions this Fall.   All are welcome to attend.  The topic for this session will be installation and setup of a Tripal v3 website.  Tripal v3 is in an early release candidate state just prior to stable release.  Already, some existing sites have begun upgrading.  In this training we will cover the changes between Tripal v2 and v3, installation of a new Tripal v3 site, upgrading from a Tripal v2 site, and creation of new content.