Download Tripal v1.0-fix1

Download of Tripal is currently performed via the 'git' utility.  Navigate to where you install modules in your Drupal installation and run the following commands:

git clone
cd tripal
git checkout 6.x-1.0-fix1

You can safely ignore any messages about being in a 'detached HEAD' state.

The Tripal theme is now downloaded separate from the Tripal modules, and it is required to properly run Tripal.  To retrieve it, navigate to where you install themes in your Drupal installation and run the following commands:

git clone tripal_theme
cd tripal_theme
git checkout 6.x-1.0

Also, you can download Tripal Extensions and install each as typical Drupal modules to extend the functionality of your Tripal site.

See the Tripal Tutorial for Installation Instructions.