Tripal User's Meeting 2017/03/03

Meeting Date

Stephen Ficklin, Victor Unda, Shawna Spoor, Katheryn Buble (WSU)

Ethy Cannon

Valentin Guignon

Michael Dondrup

Andrew Farmer

Sudhansu Dash

Abdullah Almsaeed

Ming Chen

Meg Staton

Bradford Condon

Nic Herndon

Vivek Krishnakumar

Sean Buehler

Yi Zheng

Nathan Weeks

Michael Wynne

Emily Grau


This is our every-other month open agenda meeting.  There is no formal agenda (aside from a few announcements) in order to allow attendees to bring up topics of interest to them.


  1. Announcements

    1. Tripal v2.1 release:  April 1st.  

    2. Ethy… will have tested your changes to the Tripal Job Launcher by then for integration.

    3. Tripal v3 stable release expected in May.

      1. User access/authentication for Web Services

      2. Improved query abilities for Web Services

      3. Upgrade testing of some existing sites that we've reached out to.

      4. Fix some hard-coding in the Storage API to allow multiple-storage backends

      5. Complete online documentation: User's Guide and Developer's Handbook.

        1. Migration documentation up this month! (March).

      6. Fix bugs and unwanted or poor behavior.

      7. Add additional fields.

  2. Anyone going to PB meeting in Honolulu this summer?

  3. Watch for a PAG Hackathon/User's Meeting Survey

  4. Revisit cv loading: propose that cvterm_relationships should be removed if not present in a subsequent version of the obo file. (Ethy)

    1. circular "is_a" relationships, "has_part" relationships.

    2. Suggestion path: OBO loader will remove relationships before updating.  Band-aid fix is to ignore the 'has_part' on GO.

    3. TODO: add a link here for has_part problem.

  5. Questions/Thoughts on Tripal v3?

    1. Need how to migrate nodes to entities.

    2. Which PHP is required?  

      1. Can we use PHP 5.3 with Tripal v3?

        1. CentOS 6.5 (PHP 5.3.3 / Postgres 8.4)

      2. TODO: look into this for Tripal v2.1 release.

    3. Adding properties to existing entities very easy with Tripal v3.

    4. Integration of Contact module with Drupal User module.

  6. Galaxy: Meg Staton's group working on Galaxy workflows.  Talk to Meg if you have a workflow of interest you want to collaborate on.

  7. Baskets for Tripal v3 for storing data and integrating with Galaxy coming in the future.

  8. Round table

    1. Any new modules?

      1. Meg's group working on updating GO modules.

      2. Ethy's group working on an ontology browser??

    2. Any help needed for site setup, module creation, Tripal v3 migration?

  9. March Training

    1. How to write customize and write new fields for Tripal v3

    2. Proposed Date: 3/24 at 8am PST

    3. Send out a Doodle Poll for time on that day.




Meeting Type