Stephen Ficklin, Sook Jung, Katheryn Buble, Shawna Spoor, WSU
Meg Staton, Abdullah Almsaeed, Bradford Condon, UTK
Lacey Sanderson, UofS
Ethy Cannon, ISU
Gerard Lazo, ARS, Albany, CA
Monica Poelchau, USDA-ARS-NAL
Sean Buehler, UConn
Nathan Weeks, ARS, Ames
This is an open agenda meeting.
Thank You
PAG Codefest Committee: Stephen, Ethy, Meg
PAG Workshop: Bradford, Valentin, Meg
Join Tripal Slack Workspace to ask questions.
Some channels of interest:
#general: for any communication/questions/comments, etc.
#tripal4: for communication regarding the microservices Proof of concept trial (perhaps should rename #tripal5 or #tripal-services)
#brapi: for communication regarding the implementation of Breeding API (BrAPI) and Tripal.
#chado: for discussions related to Chado.
Extensions Modules Page
Let us know if your module is missing:
Help Desk Session on Feb 19th. Anytime that works for you and those we pair you with.
Training Session in March. Suggestions for topics, respond to mailing list email.
Consider participating and respond to other's request for help in the Tripal issue queue:
Check for 'Good first issue' tag.
Open Topics
Email from Maria Martin, lead software development in UniProt at EMBL-EBI:
"I was wondering if representation and visualization of proteins is something of interest for Tripal. My team is developing web components for sharing visualizations amongst other activities."
Perhaps a topic at our March meeting.
Meg will follow up to see if she wants to present.
Something like tools on?
GitHub Issues
Below issues are tagged as “Discuss at next User’s meeting”. We don’t need to go through them all necessarily.
Tripal Advisory Committee
Draft document here (thanks Meg) (See the section titled Science Advisory Committee towards the bottom)
Summary from Meg:
An additional layer of governance with members not on the PMC
PMC would be for steering the code
SAC would act in an advisory role only
provides leadership, guidance and coordination for Tripal
Should include extension developers, site developers, external topic experts
Thinking about Tripal from a broader perspective: overall priorities, direction, timelines, funding strategies, recruitment, data best practices, community support, etc.
Ethy: Two year membership should be easily renewed if the member is willing
Create a minimum of external and internal members
From Wikipedia: 8 members is a maximum
Also good to start small
Start with an internal board and work up to external members
Also it might be harder to get external members since they have less of a stake in Tripal
Primary meeting in January at PAG with teleconference option
Quarterly meeting during the developer call?
Allows more of a role by the community and allows the community to guide the SAC
Majority based voting since it is a recommendation
Posted publicly for transparency. Hopefully this doesn’t discourage ppl to discuss openly.
Emergency meetings can be called by the chair
Very important to pick the first chair!
Strongly encourage all SAC agenda items posted to the github issue queue!
Sook commented that it might be help to have multiple layers. In rosaceae there is a chair, vice chair and secretary. They move up in the ranks so only the secretary is voted on. The secretary takes notes and this provides a training model.
Ethy comments that perhaps the chair should delegate to ensure that ppl with the right personalities take on the various tasks.
Phrase the chair responsibilities as “they will ensure that”
Could send out a request for rejection to the mailing list and then set a timeline. Important to get this started
Add proposed members to the request
Chair should probably not be on the PMC
Chair should be someone who has been active in our User's meetings in the past.
Acting SAC:
Acting Chair Nominations: Ethy *, Acting Co-Chair Meg. Until April 2nd.
PMC will talk about who to recommend to add to SAC
Send out a request for objection about the current approach over general email list or issue queue.
Setup the internal stakeholder group
SAC Member: Send out a personal email directly to all the PIs or folks who lead the website development to ask who is interested.
Internal stakeholders should be a mixed group of PIs and lead site developers. When sending out emails to PIs be clear that involvement could be the PI or their lead developer.
perhaps a GMOD person on the list.
Provide update at March Users Meeting.
Module rating system
Are we ready to proceed?
Any other changes?
PMC needs to meet to finalize.
Send out request for comments just before implementation.
Collaborative development:
Backdrop. If time (i’d prioritize this over many of the github issues let's make sure we get to it BC): proposed plan for T4 and beyond.
Concern: small development team stretched too far
Concern: seem to be going in too many directions
Create an issue on GitHub for it.