Meeting Date
Sean Buehler, i5k/UConn
Meg Staton, UTK
Jill Wegrzyn, UConn
Lacey Sanderson, USask
Risharde Ramnath, UConn/WSU
Stephen Ficklin, WSU
- NSF’s Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI) solicitation for FY22 has been released and can be accessed at the following link:
- Lets add this to codefest. Dedicated time.
- PAG Workshop Organizer Committee
- Who will be in the committee this year.
- Historically, we rotate this between 2-3 individuals.
- Attendance at PAG may be quite low.
- Likely to go: Dorrie, Sook, Scott Cain, Mathieu Rouard, Jill W, Stephen F
- Maybes: Sophia, Surya, Sean, Monica
- Jill will spearhead PAG effort - is this happening? But she needs more time to decide. She’ll put out another call on where people stand. Even if we have presenters, will we have an audience?
- Ideas: lightning talks
- PMC: Hackathon will be held online this year. We may have to schedule differently so as not to conflict with PAG.
- Focus on T4! Need community support. Need to be at a point where the community can help. How do we get there?
- January 13th and 14th
- Online, the whole time
- TAC Chair
- Meg's nearing the end of her 3 year tenure as chair
- Propose elections in January (or appointment in January if there is no need for an election)
- Nominations? Be thinking about it!
- Jill could do it (maybe co-chair) - next term focus on grant!
- Community topics for Hackathon/TAC on January 13th and 14th
- development priorities - T4
- funding strategies
- community growth
Meeting Type