Lacey Sanderson, Carolyn Caron, Reynold Tan, Yichao Shen; University of Saskatchewan
Jacob Stai, Paul Otyama, Andrew Wilkey, Ethy Cannon; LegumeInfo&PeanutBase
Valentin Guignon, Bioversity International, CGIAR centerBradford Condon, UTK/i5k,
Meg Staton, Abdullah Almsaeed, Joe West, UTK
Jill Wegrzyn, Emily Grau, Sean Buehler, Sumaira Zaman, Nic Herndon, Susan McEvoy; TreeGenes
Katheryn Buble; Washington State University
Summary of CodeFest coding groups work/accomplishments
Chado Group
New release/migration paradigm for how changes are made to Chado and new releases are bundled/created, using flyway.
Continuous integration checking for integrity of schema.
New (platform agnostic) Docker container for just Chado.
Governance discussion. Moving from benevolent dictator model -> PMC type model.
Documentation migrating from the wiki into readthedocs style guide.
Tv4 Group
In an effort to provide an alternative to PHP, we intended to create a set of microservices in Python to replace the functionality provided by Tripal. During this meeting we created 1 example microservice API using Flask which can be queried to get information out of a database, regardless of whether that database is CHADO
As another trial, we created a service using what’s referred to as a microframework in PHP called Lumen. The service uses docker compose to pull in all needed services such as MariaDB, PHP-FPM and Nginx. The purpose is to explore alternatives to Drupal without having to leave PHP.
Drupal 8 module.
We are thinking about keeping this a do-able process for smaller sites ie that they wouldnt have to learn and implement the microservices framework themselves.
What about permissions? Dorrie is interested in node_access and how usable it would be in Drupal 8.
Will we have to set up Docker to set up production Tripal 4 ?
BrAPI Group
A new git branch was created to handle changes to be Tripal 3 compatible. It’s the 7.x-3.x branch.
BrAPI module installed on multiple sites (6), started to configure the module for those sites
Many issue were found as we run the module on different environments, most of them were fixed
Started to implement new calls but a tutorial is requested
Valentin started writing a tutorial to describe how to implement calls
Lacey started a “read-the-doc” for BrAPI module
We also discussed site-specific needs and how to handle them
Restricting access to certain data subsets...
Tripal Governance Discussion Group Report
Who should be involved in the oversight committee?
Experts in various web/tech fields
PMC (Project Management Committee)
Stakeholders who are users
Industry stakeholders
Actually organized with an “internal” oversight committee, and then on top of that, an external review board with some of the above participants.
Every 3rd/4th dev call, make it a steering committee call?
Opinion/Whitepaper for Tripal? What is it and why should you be excited, how do we keep Tripal relevant in the future….
Who will be in charge/write it?
Good item to discuss at first steering committee meeting?
Community-wide funding….
Need to collect better usage statistics
Shawna is working on a registration module that would report some tracking info.
Will report to, which is D8 which ahs restful API as part of the core… need a hosting solution
So reporting will be included in future tripal 3 releases as an opt-outable module
Need to have a good plan for future (which the white paper planning paper would accomplish)
Need to do a better job on the visibility of Tripal, growing Tripal
Larger international cooperative funding....
Should we go directly to program managers for funding.
Need a functional steering committee sooner rather than later?
Tripal Modules Rating System
bronze, silver, gold level See
Check out the tripal module list
Users should submit pull requests to self-evaluate your module to assign the rating
You get to be included in the core repo as a comitter this way too!
Current list of extension modules:
How to encourage people to contribute to core
People unsure of how to write sharable code…
Is training the issue?
So do we need Tripal training? Or Drupal training?
Can we bring community members in and have them offer their services to help with training or answer questions.
Could compile a list of people with expertise and pull them into conversations
But perhaps would be better if those people would self-volunteer within the issue queue.
How many people are still actively developing Tripal 2.
Several users are still in Tripal 2. Specific issues include views functionality and install issues.
Plans NOT to convert to Tripal 3 until programming experience
Sofia is hiring for a remote tripal developer :P
Not upgrading from Drupal 7…
“Backdrop” of Drupal 7 as a backup plan?
Need to be aware of security issues, need to be aware of the security issues with core releases no longer updated.
Dinner plans