Tripal Hackathon @ San Deigo 2017-01-12
Thursday, January 12
The Monthly Tripal User's Meetings
Thursday, January 12
Watch a recording of this meeting:
Lacey Sanderson (Univ. Saskachewan) Provides a tutorial on Site-Wide Searching built into the upcoming Tripal 2.1 release.
This is our bi-monthly open agenda meeting. There is no formal agenda (aside from a few announcements) in order to allow attendees to bring up topics of interest to them.
This is our bi-monthly open agenda meeting. There is no formal agenda in order to allow attendees to bring up topics of interest to them.
Apollo + Chado + Tripal: workflow for publication of curated results.
Due to the upcoming Plant and Animal Genome Conference, the Tripal Developer's Meeting was cancelled.
Due to upcoming year-end deadlines the Tripal Developer's Meeting was cancelled. Instead we had an open call for anyone wishing to discuss their own sites and talk to Tripal core developers.