Tripal on GitHub

Short Description

We have migrated the primary repository for Tripal source code over to GitHub and we've also setup a new Tripal organization on GitHub.  

Longer Description

This will be where new code changes are pushed.   Here are a few important links:

Tripal Organization:
Tripal source Code:

GitHub offers better tools to allow those of you who want or need to suggest code changes to the Tripal core packages to fork, and issue pull requests.   We will still keep a copy of the Tripal code on the site, as this is needed for Drupal to automatically package Tripal releases for us.   We will also maintain our issue and bug tracking queues on the site as well. 

The Tripal organization on GitHub will allow us to keep all Tripal code, whether it's the core package or extension modules in a single place.  If you have extension modules we encourage you to use GitHub and create a repository for your extension code in the Tripal organization.  You will still have complete control over your repositories, but your Tripal-based projects can be grouped together with others.  

If you would like to become a member of the Tripal organization on GitHub so that you can add a new repository please subscribe to the tripal-devel mailing list and let us know.