Join us for the 2022 Tripal CodeFest!

Tripal CodeFest 2022


The 2022 Codefest has been postponed.  Updated scheduling information will be sent via the Tripal Mailing List and on the Slack workspace.


Calling all Tripal Core, Extension Module, and Tool Integration Developers!

When: Jan 26-27 2022. 9-5pm in your time zone.
Cost:  It is free to participate!
Registration:  Registration is still open!  Please fill out the Online Registration Form to attend. 
WhereGatherTown room (please register to receive a link to the room)
Who: Anyone interested in developing core Tripal, extension modules, or integration with Tripal or Tripal dependencies (i.e. Chado). We openly welcome anyone from the GMOD community or other open-source developers.

Currently Scheduled Topics

The following topics are currently being organized for the meeting. Consider joining one of these during registration or, if you'd like to lead your own topic, please indicate it during registration.

Group Topic Description Group Lead
Implementation of Tripal v4 Fields The Entity and Fields interfaces are ready and the next step in the development of Tripal v4 is the creation of specific fields.  For example the organism, publication, gene fields to name a few. Fields form the basis for all data organization including page displays, web services and searching. Josh Burns / Sean Buehler
Production Docker Tripal v4 A Tripal v4 Docker image can help reduce the complexity for the installation of Tripal and its dependencies (e.g., PostgreSQL, Apache, PHP, etc.). Additionally, some users would like a production-level image that is easy to port and maintains.  This group will work towards the development of that resource. Stephen Ficklin
Chado Updates Chado is the standard on which data is housed in Tripal.  In order for Tripal to support newer and emerging data types new tables, or changes to tables are necessary.  This group will focus on providing suggestions for those updates as well as working with the Chado management committee towards updating Chado. Lacey Sanderson


Prior to the Event

  • Teams will organize with a team leader to focus on a topic
  • Team leaders will organize the group during December to optimize coding time.
  • Participants should block out time on their calendars during the week. Please try to reserve at least 8 hours or more but any amount is welcome!

During the Event

Because this is an online virtual event, attendees will be in different time zones during the event.  Group leaders will organize group-specific events but there are two event-wide events. 

  • Kick-off Meeting:  Jan 26th at 9am Pacific; 11am Regina; 12pm Eastern; 1pm Atlantic; 6pm European Central in Gathertown
  • Wrap-up Meeting:  Jan 27th at 1pm Pacific; 3pm Regina; 4pm Eastern; 5pm Atlantic; 10pm European Central in Gathertown.

Currently, attendees who have registered are all from North America therefore the above meeting times are set to accommodate those time zones. However, meeting times could change other time zones if needed.