Tripal v1.0 (6.x-1.0)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00014 function tripal_feature_drush_help($command) {
00015   switch ($command) {
00016     case 'drush:tripal-get_sequence':
00017       return dt('Prints sequences that match specified categories.');
00018   }
00019 }
00027 function tripal_feature_drush_command() {
00028   $items = array();
00029   $items['tripal-get-sequence'] = array(
00030     'description' => dt('Prints sequences that match specified categories.'),
00031     'options'    => array(
00032       'org'      => dt('The organism\'s common name. If specified, features for this organism will be retrieved.'),
00033       'genus'    => dt('The organism\'s genus. If specified, features for all organism with this genus will be retrieved.'),
00034       'species'  => dt('The organism\'s species name. If specified, features for this all organism with this species will be retrieved.'),
00035       'analysis' => dt('The analysis name. If specified, features for this analysis will be retrieved.'),
00036       'type'     => dt('The type of feature to retrieve (e.g. mRNA). All features that match this type will be retrieved.'),
00037       'name'     => dt('The name of the feature to retrieve.'),
00038       'up'       => dt('An integer value specifying the number of upstream bases to include.'),
00039       'down'     => dt('An integer value specifying the number of downstream bases to incldue.'),
00040       'out'      => dt('The output format. Valid options are "fasta_html", "fasta_txt" and raw.'),
00041       'parent'   => dt('Set this argument to 1 to retrieve the sequence from the parent in an alignment rather than the residues column of the feature itself.'),
00042       'agg'      => dt('Set this argument to 1 to aggregate sub features into a single sequence.  This is useful, for example, for obtaining CDS sequence from an mRNA'),
00043       'child'    => dt('Set this argument to the sequence ontology term for the children to aggregate.  This is useful in the case where a gene has exons as well as CDSs and UTRs.  You may sepcify as many feature types as desired by separating each with a single comma (no spaces).'),
00044     ),
00045     'examples' => array(
00046       'Standard example' => 'drush tripal-current-job',
00047     ),
00048     'aliases' => array('trp-get-seq'),
00049   );
00050   $items['tripal-feature-sync'] = array(
00051     'description' => dt('Syncs an individual feature.'),
00052     'options'   => array(
00053       'id'    => dt('The feature ID of the feature to sync'),
00054     ),
00055     'examples' => array(
00056       'Standard example' => 'drush tripal-feature-sync --id=48273',
00057     ),
00058     'aliases' => array('trp-fsync'),
00059   );
00060   return $items;
00061 }
00068 function drush_tripal_feature_tripal_get_sequence() {
00070   $org_commonname = drush_get_option('org');  
00071   $genus = drush_get_option('genus');
00072   $species = drush_get_option('species');
00073   $analysis_name = drush_get_option('analysis');  
00074   $type = drush_get_option('type');
00075   $feature_name = drush_get_option('name');
00076   $upstream = drush_get_option('up');
00077   $downstream = drush_get_option('down');
00078   $output_format = drush_get_option('out');
00079   $derive_from_parent = drush_get_option('parent');
00080   $aggregate = drush_get_option('agg');
00081   $child = drush_get_option('child');
00083   $sub_features = explode(',', $child);
00085   if (!$output_format) {
00086      $output_format = 'fasta_txt';
00087   }
00089   if (!$type and !$feature_name and !$org_commonname) {
00090      print "Please provide a type, feature name or organism common name\n";
00091      return;
00092   }
00094   // get the list of features
00095   $vars = array();
00096   $sql  = "SELECT DISTINCT F.feature_id,, F.uniquename, O.genus, O.species, as feature_type ".
00097           "FROM feature F ".
00098           "  INNER JOIN organism O on O.organism_id = F.organism_id ".
00099           "  INNER JOIN cvterm CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = F.type_id ";
00100   if ($analysis_name) {
00101      $sql .= "  INNER JOIN analysisfeature AF on AF.feature_id = F.feature_id ".
00102              "  INNER JOIN analysis A on AF.analysis_id = A.analysis_id ";
00103   }         
00104   $sql .= "WHERE (1=1) ";
00105   if ($org_commonname) {
00106      $sql .= "AND O.common_name = '%s' ";
00107      $vars[] = $org_commonname;
00108   }
00109   if ($genus) {
00110      $sql .= "AND O.genus = '%s' ";
00111      $vars[] = $genus;
00112   }
00113   if ($species) {
00114      $sql .= "AND O.species = '%s' ";
00115      $vars[] = $species;
00116   }
00117   if ($type) {
00118     $sql .= "AND = '%s' ";
00119     $vars[] = $type; 
00120   }
00121   if ($feature_name) {
00122      $sql .= "AND = '%s'";
00123      $vars[] = $feature_name;
00124   }
00125   if ($analysis_name) {
00126      $sql .= "AND = '%s'";
00127      $vars[] = $analysis_name;
00128   }
00129   $num_bases_per_line = 50;
00130   $q = chado_query($sql, $vars);
00131   while ($feature = db_fetch_object($q)) {
00132     $feature_id = $feature->feature_id;
00133     $feature_name = "$feature->uniquename $feature->name $feature->feature_type ($feature->genus $feature->species)";
00135     $sequence = tripal_feature_get_formatted_sequence($feature_id, $feature_name, 
00136       $num_bases_per_line, $derive_from_parent, $aggregate, $output_format,
00137       $upstream, $downstream, $sub_features);
00138     print $sequence;
00139   }
00140 }
00141 /*
00142  * 
00143  */
00144 function drush_tripal_feature_sync() {
00145   $feature_id = drush_get_option('id');  
00146   tripal_feature_sync_feature($feature_id);
00147 }
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