Tripal v1.0 (6.x-1.0)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001  <h3>Tripal Feature Administrative Tools Quick Links:</h3>
00002   <ul>
00003    <li><a href="<?php print url("admin/tripal/tripal_feature/configuration") ?>">Feature Configuration</a></li>
00004    <li><a href="<?php print url("admin/tripal/tripal_feature/fasta_loader") ?>">Import a multi-FASTA file</a></li>
00005    <li><a href="<?php print url("admin/tripal/tripal_feature/gff3_load") ?>">Import a GFF3 file</a></li>
00006    <li><a href="<?php print url("admin/tripal/tripal_feature/sync") ?>">Sync Features</a></li>
00007    <li><a href="<?php print url("admin/tripal/tripal_feature/delete") ?>">Delete Features</a></li>
00008  </ul>
00010   <h3>Module Description:</h3>
00011   <p>The Tripal Feature module provides a new feature content type and interface for genomic features. </p>
00013   <h3>Setup Instructions:</h3>
00014   <p>After installation of the feature module.  The following tasks should be performed</p>
00015   <ol>
00016     <li><p><b>Set Permissions</b>: By default only the site administrator account has access to create, edit, delete
00017    or administer features. Navigate to the <?php print l('permissions page', 'admin/user/permissions')?> and set the
00018    permissions under the 'tripal_feature' section as appropriate for your site. For a simple setup, allow anonymous 
00019    users access to view content and create a special role for creating, editing and other administrative tasks.</p></li>
00021    <li><p><b>Loading of Ontologies</b>:  
00022      Before loading genomic features you must also have several vocabularies loaded as well. Using the
00023      <?php print l('OGO loader','admin/tripal/tripal_cv/obo_loader')?> you should load the following
00024      ontologies:
00025      <ul>
00026         <li>Chado Feature Properties</li>
00027         <li>Relationship Ontology</li>
00028         <li>Sequence Ontology</li>
00029         <li>Gene Ontology (if loading GO terms for features)</li>
00030      </ul></p></li>
00032      <li><p><b>Create Organisms</b>:  Before adding feature data you must already have the
00033      organisms loaded in the database.  See the
00034      <?php print l('Tripal Organism Admin Page','admin/tripal/tripal_organism') ?> for
00035      instructions for adding and Syncing organisms.</p></li>
00037      <li><p><b>Create an Analysis</b>:  Tripal requires that feature data loaded using the Tripal loaders
00038      be associated with an analyis.  This provides a grouping for the feature data and can be used
00039      later to visualize data pipelines.  Before loading feature data through the FASTA or GFF loaders
00040      you will need to <?php print l('create an analysis','node/add/chado-analysis') ?> for the data.</p></li>
00042      <li><p><b>Create Database Cross References</b>:  If you would like to associate your feature data with an
00043      external database, check to ensure that the <?php print l('database already exists','admin/tripal/tripal_db/edit_db') ?>.
00044      If not you should <?php print l('add a new database record','admin/tripal/tripal_db/add_db') ?> before importing
00045      feature data. Be sure to set the URL and URL prefix for the database if you would like accessions (e.g. GO terms, NCBI
00046      accession) to link out to the external database.</p></li>
00048      <li><p><b>Data Import</b>:  if you do not already have an existing Chado database with preloaded data
00049      then you will want
00050      to import data.  You can do so using the Chado perl scripts that come with the normal
00051      <a href="">distribution of Chado</a> or you can use 
00052      the <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/fasta_loader') ?>">FASTA loader</a> and
00053      <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/gff3_load') ?>">GFF loader</a> provided here.  If you
00054      created the Chado database using Tripal then you'll most likely want to use the Tripal loaders.  If your data
00055      is not condusive for loading with these loaders and you can get your data into a tab-delimited format you can
00056      use Tripals' bulk loader.
00057      </p></li>
00059      <li><p><b>Sync Features</b>:  After data is loaded you need to sync features.  This process is what
00060      creates the pages for viewing online.  Not all features need be synced.  For instance, if you
00061      have loaded whole genome sequence with fully defined gene models with several features to define
00062      a gene and its products (e.g. gene, mRNA, CDS, 5\'UTR, 3\'UTR, etc) you probably only want to create
00063      pages for genes or genes and mRNA.  You probably do not want a page for a 5\'UTR.
00064      Using the <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/configuration/sync') ?>">Feature Sync page</a>
00065      you can sync (or create pages) for the desired feature types. </p></li>
00067      <li><p><b>Set Feature URL</b>:  It is often convenient to have a simple URL for each feature page.
00068      For example,[feature], where [feature] is a unique identifier for a feature page.
00069      With this, people can easily include links to feature pages of interest. Use the
00070      <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/configuration') ?>">Feature Configuration page</a>
00071      to specify whether to use the feature name, unique name or internal ID as the [feature] portion of the
00072      URL.  Select the one that will guarantee a unique identifier for feature pages.</p></li>
00074   </ol>
00075   </p>
00078   <h3>Features of this Module:</h3>
00079   <p>Aside from data loading and feature page setup (as described in the Setup section above),
00080   The Tripal feature module also provides the following functionality
00081   <ul>
00082     <li><p><b>Feature Browser:</b>  The feature browser is a tabular list of features with links to their
00083      feature pages which appears on the organism
00084      page.  It was created to provide a mechanism to allow site visitors to quickly
00085      accesss feature pages when they do not know what to search for.  For sites with large numbers of features, this
00086      method for finding a specific pages is inadequate, but may still be included to aid new site
00087      visitors.    This browser can be toggled on or off using the
00088      <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/configuration') ?>">Feature Configuration page</a></p></li>
00090     <li><p><b>Feature Summary Report:</b>  The feature summary report is a pie chart that indicates the types and quantities
00091     of feature types (Sequence Ontology terms) that are loaded in the database. It appears on the organism
00092     page.  The summary can be toggled on or off using the
00093     <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/configuration') ?>">Feature Configuration page</a></p></li>
00095     <li><p><b>Integration with Drupal Views</b>: <a href="">Drupal Views</a> is
00096     a powerful tool that allows the site administrator to create lists or basic searching forms of Chado content.
00097     It provides a graphical interface within Drupal to allow the site admin to directly query the Chado database
00098     and create custom lists without PHP programming or customization of Tripal source code.  Views can also
00099     be created to filter content that has not yet been synced with Druapl in order to protect access to non
00100     published data (only works if Chado was installed using Tripal).  You can see a list of available pre-existing
00101     Views <a href="<?php print url('admin/build/views/') ?>">here</a>, as well as create your own. </p></li>
00103     <li><p><b>Simple Search Tool</b>: A <?php print l('simple search tool','chado/features') ?> is provided for 
00104     finding features. This tool relies on Drupal Views.  <a href="">Drupal Views</a>
00105     which must be installed to see the search tool.  Look for it in the navigation menu under the item 
00106     "Search Biological Data". </p></li>
00108     <li><p><b>Delete Features</b>: You can  <a href="<?php print url('admin/tripal/tripal_feature/delete') ?>">bulk delete features</a>
00109     by providing a list of feature names, or for a specific organism or for a specific feature type. Be sure you have
00110     a full backup of your site before performing a bulk delete.</p></li>
00111   </ul>
00112 </p>
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