Tripal v1.0 (6.x-1.0)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00029 function tripal_db_views_data()  {
00030   $data = array();
00032   if (module_exists('tripal_views')) {
00033     // Base Tables
00034     $tables = array(
00035       'db',
00036       'dbxref'
00037     );
00038     foreach ($tables as $tablename) {
00039       $priority = 9;
00041       // check to see if the table is integrated. If it is then integrate it's
00042       // corresponding 'chado_[table]' table.
00043       if (!tripal_views_is_integrated($tablename, $priority)) {
00044         $table_integration_array = tripal_views_get_integration_array_for_chado_table($tablename, TRUE, $priority);
00046         // add specialty handlers
00047         if ($tablename == 'db') {
00048           $table_integration_array['fields']['name']['handlers']['filter']['name'] = 'tripal_views_handler_filter_select_string';
00049         }
00051         tripal_views_integration_add_entry($table_integration_array);
00052       }
00053     }
00055     // Additional Tables
00056     $tables = array(
00057       'dbxrefprop'
00058     );
00059     foreach ($tables as $tablename) {
00060       $priority = 9;
00061       if (!tripal_views_is_integrated($tablename, $priority)) {
00062         $table_integration_array = tripal_views_get_integration_array_for_chado_table($tablename, FALSE, $priority);
00063         tripal_views_integration_add_entry($table_integration_array);
00064       }
00065     }
00066   }
00068   return $data;
00070 }
00076 function tripal_db_views_default_views() {
00077   $views = array();
00079   if (!module_exists('tripal_views')) {
00080     return $views;
00081   }
00083   // Main DB default view
00084   $view = new view;
00085   $view->name = 'db_listing';
00086   $view->description = 'A listing of all databases.';
00087   $view->tag = 'chado default';
00088   $view->base_table = 'db';
00089   $view->core = 6;
00090   $view->api_version = '2';
00091   $view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */
00092   $handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default');
00093   $handler->override_option('fields', array(
00094     'name' => array(
00095       'label' => 'Name',
00096       'alter' => array(
00097         'alter_text' => 0,
00098         'text' => '',
00099         'make_link' => 0,
00100         'path' => '',
00101         'absolute' => 0,
00102         'link_class' => '',
00103         'alt' => '',
00104         'rel' => '',
00105         'prefix' => '',
00106         'suffix' => '',
00107         'target' => '',
00108         'help' => '',
00109         'trim' => 0,
00110         'max_length' => '',
00111         'word_boundary' => 1,
00112         'ellipsis' => 1,
00113         'html' => 0,
00114         'strip_tags' => 0,
00115       ),
00116       'empty' => '',
00117       'hide_empty' => 0,
00118       'empty_zero' => 0,
00119       'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
00120       'type' => 'separator',
00121       'separator' => ', ',
00122       'exclude' => 0,
00123       'id' => 'name',
00124       'table' => 'db',
00125       'field' => 'name',
00126       'relationship' => 'none',
00127     ),
00128     'description' => array(
00129       'label' => 'Description',
00130       'alter' => array(
00131         'alter_text' => 0,
00132         'text' => '',
00133         'make_link' => 0,
00134         'path' => '',
00135         'absolute' => 0,
00136         'link_class' => '',
00137         'alt' => '',
00138         'rel' => '',
00139         'prefix' => '',
00140         'suffix' => '',
00141         'target' => '',
00142         'help' => '',
00143         'trim' => 0,
00144         'max_length' => '',
00145         'word_boundary' => 1,
00146         'ellipsis' => 1,
00147         'html' => 0,
00148         'strip_tags' => 0,
00149       ),
00150       'empty' => '',
00151       'hide_empty' => 0,
00152       'empty_zero' => 0,
00153       'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
00154       'type' => 'separator',
00155       'separator' => ', ',
00156       'exclude' => 0,
00157       'id' => 'description',
00158       'table' => 'db',
00159       'field' => 'description',
00160       'relationship' => 'none',
00161     ),
00162     'url' => array(
00163       'label' => 'Url',
00164       'alter' => array(
00165         'alter_text' => 0,
00166         'text' => '',
00167         'make_link' => 1,
00168         'path' => '[url]',
00169         'absolute' => 1,
00170         'link_class' => '',
00171         'alt' => '',
00172         'rel' => '',
00173         'prefix' => '',
00174         'suffix' => '',
00175         'target' => '_blank',
00176         'help' => '',
00177         'trim' => 0,
00178         'max_length' => '',
00179         'word_boundary' => 1,
00180         'ellipsis' => 1,
00181         'html' => 0,
00182         'strip_tags' => 0,
00183       ),
00184       'empty' => '',
00185       'hide_empty' => 0,
00186       'empty_zero' => 0,
00187       'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
00188       'type' => 'separator',
00189       'separator' => ', ',
00190       'exclude' => 0,
00191       'id' => 'url',
00192       'table' => 'db',
00193       'field' => 'url',
00194       'relationship' => 'none',
00195     ),
00196     'urlprefix' => array(
00197       'label' => 'Urlprefix',
00198       'alter' => array(
00199         'alter_text' => 0,
00200         'text' => '',
00201         'make_link' => 0,
00202         'path' => '',
00203         'absolute' => 0,
00204         'link_class' => '',
00205         'alt' => '',
00206         'rel' => '',
00207         'prefix' => '',
00208         'suffix' => '',
00209         'target' => '',
00210         'help' => '',
00211         'trim' => 0,
00212         'max_length' => '',
00213         'word_boundary' => 1,
00214         'ellipsis' => 1,
00215         'html' => 0,
00216         'strip_tags' => 0,
00217       ),
00218       'empty' => '',
00219       'hide_empty' => 0,
00220       'empty_zero' => 0,
00221       'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
00222       'type' => 'separator',
00223       'separator' => ', ',
00224       'exclude' => 0,
00225       'id' => 'urlprefix',
00226       'table' => 'db',
00227       'field' => 'urlprefix',
00228       'relationship' => 'none',
00229     ),
00230   ));
00231   $handler->override_option('filters', array(
00232     'name' => array(
00233       'operator' => '~',
00234       'value' => '',
00235       'group' => '0',
00236       'exposed' => TRUE,
00237       'expose' => array(
00238         'use_operator' => 0,
00239         'operator' => 'name_op',
00240         'identifier' => 'name',
00241         'label' => 'Name Contains',
00242         'remember' => 0,
00243       ),
00244       'case' => 0,
00245       'id' => 'name',
00246       'table' => 'db',
00247       'field' => 'name',
00248       'relationship' => 'none',
00249       'values_form_type' => 'textfield',
00250       'multiple' => 0,
00251       'optional' => 0,
00252       'agg' => array(
00253         'records_with' => 1,
00254         'aggregates_with' => 0,
00255       ),
00256     ),
00257     'description' => array(
00258       'operator' => '~',
00259       'value' => '',
00260       'group' => '0',
00261       'exposed' => TRUE,
00262       'expose' => array(
00263         'use_operator' => 0,
00264         'operator' => 'description_op',
00265         'identifier' => 'description',
00266         'label' => 'Description Contains',
00267         'remember' => 0,
00268       ),
00269       'case' => 0,
00270       'id' => 'description',
00271       'table' => 'db',
00272       'field' => 'description',
00273       'relationship' => 'none',
00274       'agg' => array(
00275         'records_with' => 1,
00276         'aggregates_with' => 0,
00277       ),
00278     ),
00279     'search_results' => array(
00280       'operator' => '=',
00281       'value' => '',
00282       'group' => '0',
00283       'exposed' => FALSE,
00284       'expose' => array(
00285         'operator' => FALSE,
00286         'label' => '',
00287       ),
00288       'id' => 'search_results',
00289       'table' => 'views',
00290       'field' => 'search_results',
00291       'relationship' => 'none',
00292       'apply_button' => 'Show',
00293       'no_results_text' => 'Click "Show" to see a list of all databases matching the entered criteria. If you leave a any of the criteria blank then the databases will be not be filtered based on that field. Furthermore, if you leave all criteria blank then all databases will be listed.',
00294     ),
00295   ));
00296   $handler->override_option('access', array(
00297     'type' => 'perm',
00298     'perm' => 'access chado_db content',
00299   ));
00300   $handler->override_option('cache', array(
00301     'type' => 'none',
00302   ));
00303   $handler->override_option('title', 'Databases');
00304   $handler->override_option('header', 'Click "Show" to see a list of all databases matching the entered criteria. If you leave a any of the criteria blank then the databases will be not be filtered based on that field. Furthermore, if you leave all criteria blank then all databases will be listed.');
00305   $handler->override_option('header_format', '2');
00306   $handler->override_option('header_empty', 0);
00307   $handler->override_option('empty', 'No databases match the supplied criteria.');
00308   $handler->override_option('empty_format', '2');
00309   $handler->override_option('items_per_page', 50);
00310   $handler->override_option('use_pager', '1');
00311   $handler->override_option('style_plugin', 'table');
00312   $handler->override_option('style_options', array(
00313     'grouping' => '',
00314     'override' => 1,
00315     'sticky' => 0,
00316     'order' => 'asc',
00317     'summary' => '',
00318     'columns' => array(
00319       'name' => 'name',
00320       'url' => 'url',
00321       'urlprefix' => 'urlprefix',
00322       'description' => 'description',
00323     ),
00324     'info' => array(
00325       'name' => array(
00326         'sortable' => 1,
00327         'separator' => '',
00328       ),
00329       'url' => array(
00330         'sortable' => 1,
00331         'separator' => '',
00332       ),
00333       'urlprefix' => array(
00334         'sortable' => 0,
00335         'separator' => '',
00336       ),
00337       'description' => array(
00338         'sortable' => 0,
00339         'separator' => '',
00340       ),
00341     ),
00342     'default' => 'name',
00343   ));
00344   $handler = $view->new_display('page', 'Page', 'page_1');
00345   $handler->override_option('path', 'admin/tripal/tripal_db/list_dbs');
00346   $handler->override_option('menu', array(
00347     'type' => 'normal',
00348     'title' => 'DB Listing',
00349     'description' => 'Lists all databases available to create database references for.',
00350     'weight' => '10',
00351     'name' => 'navigation',
00352   ));
00353   $handler->override_option('tab_options', array(
00354     'type' => 'none',
00355     'title' => '',
00356     'description' => '',
00357     'weight' => 0,
00358     'name' => 'navigation',
00359   ));
00360   $views[$view->name] = $view;
00362   // Main dbxref default view
00363   $view = new view;
00364   $view->name = 'dbxref_listing';
00365   $view->description = 'A listing of all database references filtered by database';
00366   $view->tag = 'chado default';
00367   $view->base_table = 'dbxref';
00368   $view->core = 0;
00369   $view->api_version = '2';
00370   $view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */
00371   $handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default');
00372   $handler->override_option('fields', array(
00373     'name' => array(
00374       'label' => 'Database',
00375       'alter' => array(
00376         'alter_text' => 0,
00377         'text' => '',
00378         'make_link' => 0,
00379         'path' => '',
00380         'link_class' => '',
00381         'alt' => '',
00382         'prefix' => '',
00383         'suffix' => '',
00384         'target' => '',
00385         'help' => '',
00386         'trim' => 0,
00387         'max_length' => '',
00388         'word_boundary' => 1,
00389         'ellipsis' => 1,
00390         'html' => 0,
00391         'strip_tags' => 0,
00392       ),
00393       'empty' => '',
00394       'hide_empty' => 0,
00395       'empty_zero' => 0,
00396       'exclude' => 0,
00397       'id' => 'name',
00398       'table' => 'db',
00399       'field' => 'name',
00400       'relationship' => 'none',
00401     ),
00402     'accession' => array(
00403       'label' => 'Accession',
00404       'alter' => array(
00405         'alter_text' => 0,
00406         'text' => '',
00407         'make_link' => 0,
00408         'path' => '',
00409         'link_class' => '',
00410         'alt' => '',
00411         'prefix' => '',
00412         'suffix' => '',
00413         'target' => '',
00414         'help' => '',
00415         'trim' => 0,
00416         'max_length' => '',
00417         'word_boundary' => 1,
00418         'ellipsis' => 1,
00419         'html' => 0,
00420         'strip_tags' => 0,
00421       ),
00422       'empty' => '',
00423       'hide_empty' => 0,
00424       'empty_zero' => 0,
00425       'exclude' => 0,
00426       'id' => 'accession',
00427       'table' => 'dbxref',
00428       'field' => 'accession',
00429       'relationship' => 'none',
00430     ),
00431     'description' => array(
00432       'label' => 'Description',
00433       'alter' => array(
00434         'alter_text' => 0,
00435         'text' => '',
00436         'make_link' => 0,
00437         'path' => '',
00438         'link_class' => '',
00439         'alt' => '',
00440         'prefix' => '',
00441         'suffix' => '',
00442         'target' => '',
00443         'help' => '',
00444         'trim' => 0,
00445         'max_length' => '',
00446         'word_boundary' => 1,
00447         'ellipsis' => 1,
00448         'html' => 0,
00449         'strip_tags' => 0,
00450       ),
00451       'empty' => '',
00452       'hide_empty' => 0,
00453       'empty_zero' => 0,
00454       'exclude' => 0,
00455       'id' => 'description',
00456       'table' => 'dbxref',
00457       'field' => 'description',
00458       'relationship' => 'none',
00459     ),
00460     'version' => array(
00461       'label' => 'Version',
00462       'alter' => array(
00463         'alter_text' => 0,
00464         'text' => '',
00465         'make_link' => 0,
00466         'path' => '',
00467         'link_class' => '',
00468         'alt' => '',
00469         'prefix' => '',
00470         'suffix' => '',
00471         'target' => '',
00472         'help' => '',
00473         'trim' => 0,
00474         'max_length' => '',
00475         'word_boundary' => 1,
00476         'ellipsis' => 1,
00477         'html' => 0,
00478         'strip_tags' => 0,
00479       ),
00480       'empty' => '',
00481       'hide_empty' => 0,
00482       'empty_zero' => 0,
00483       'exclude' => 0,
00484       'id' => 'version',
00485       'table' => 'dbxref',
00486       'field' => 'version',
00487       'relationship' => 'none',
00488     ),
00489     'urlprefix' => array(
00490       'label' => 'External Link',
00491       'alter' => array(
00492         'alter_text' => 1,
00493         'text' => '[name]:[accession]',
00494         'make_link' => 1,
00495         'path' => '[urlprefix][accession]',
00496         'absolute' => 1,
00497         'link_class' => '',
00498         'alt' => '',
00499         'rel' => '',
00500         'prefix' => '',
00501         'suffix' => '',
00502         'target' => '_blank',
00503         'help' => '',
00504         'trim' => 0,
00505         'max_length' => '',
00506         'word_boundary' => 1,
00507         'ellipsis' => 1,
00508         'html' => 0,
00509         'strip_tags' => 0,
00510       ),
00511       'empty' => '',
00512       'hide_empty' => 1,
00513       'empty_zero' => 0,
00514       'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
00515       'type' => 'separator',
00516       'separator' => ', ',
00517       'exclude' => 0,
00518       'id' => 'urlprefix',
00519       'table' => 'db',
00520       'field' => 'urlprefix',
00521       'relationship' => 'none',
00522     ),
00523   ));
00524   $handler->override_option('sorts', array(
00525     'name' => array(
00526       'order' => 'ASC',
00527       'id' => 'name',
00528       'table' => 'db',
00529       'field' => 'name',
00530       'relationship' => 'none',
00531     ),
00532     'accession' => array(
00533       'order' => 'ASC',
00534       'id' => 'accession',
00535       'table' => 'dbxref',
00536       'field' => 'accession',
00537       'relationship' => 'none',
00538     ),
00539   ));
00540   $handler->override_option('filters', array(
00541     'name' => array(
00542       'operator' => '=',
00543       'value' => array(),
00544       'group' => '0',
00545       'exposed' => TRUE,
00546       'expose' => array(
00547         'use_operator' => 0,
00548         'operator' => 'name_op',
00549         'identifier' => 'db',
00550         'label' => 'Database',
00551         'remember' => 0,
00552       ),
00553       'case' => 1,
00554       'id' => 'name',
00555       'table' => 'db',
00556       'field' => 'name',
00557       'relationship' => 'none',
00558       'values_form_type' => 'select',
00559       'multiple' => 1,
00560       'optional' => 0,
00561       'agg' => array(
00562         'records_with' => 1,
00563         'aggregates_with' => 1,
00564       ),
00565     ),
00566     'accession' => array(
00567       'operator' => '~',
00568       'value' => '',
00569       'group' => '0',
00570       'exposed' => TRUE,
00571       'expose' => array(
00572         'use_operator' => 0,
00573         'operator' => 'accession_op',
00574         'identifier' => 'accession',
00575         'label' => 'Accession Contains',
00576         'remember' => 0,
00577       ),
00578       'case' => 0,
00579       'id' => 'accession',
00580       'table' => 'dbxref',
00581       'field' => 'accession',
00582       'relationship' => 'none',
00583       'agg' => array(
00584         'records_with' => 1,
00585         'aggregates_with' => 1,
00586       ),
00587     ),
00588     'search_results' => array(
00589       'operator' => '=',
00590       'value' => '',
00591       'group' => '0',
00592       'exposed' => FALSE,
00593       'expose' => array(
00594         'operator' => FALSE,
00595         'label' => '',
00596       ),
00597       'id' => 'search_results',
00598       'table' => 'views',
00599       'field' => 'search_results',
00600       'relationship' => 'none',
00601       'apply_button' => 'Show',
00602       'no_results_text' => 'Click "Show" to see a list of all database references matching the entered criteria. If you leave a any of the criteria blank then the database references will be not be filtered based on that field. Furthermore, if you leave all criteria blank then all database references will be listed.',
00603     ),
00604   ));
00605   $handler->override_option('access', array(
00606     'type' => 'perm',
00607     'perm' => 'access chado_db content',
00608   ));
00609   $handler->override_option('cache', array(
00610     'type' => 'none',
00611   ));
00612   $handler->override_option('title', 'Database References');
00613   $handler->override_option('header', 'Click "Show" to see a list of all database references matching the entered criteria. If you leave a any of the criteria blank then the database references will be not be filtered based on that field. Furthermore, if you leave all criteria blank then all database references will be listed.');
00614   $handler->override_option('header_format', '2');
00615   $handler->override_option('header_empty', 0);
00616   $handler->override_option('empty', 'There are no database references matching the above criteria. Please select a database in order to display all references to that database.');
00617   $handler->override_option('empty_format', '1');
00618   $handler->override_option('items_per_page', 50);
00619   $handler->override_option('use_pager', '1');
00620   $handler->override_option('style_plugin', 'table');
00621   $handler->override_option('style_options', array(
00622     'grouping' => '',
00623     'override' => 1,
00624     'sticky' => 0,
00625     'order' => 'asc',
00626     'columns' => array(
00627       'name' => 'name',
00628       'accession' => 'accession',
00629       'description' => 'description',
00630       'version' => 'version',
00631     ),
00632     'info' => array(
00633       'name' => array(
00634         'sortable' => 1,
00635         'separator' => '',
00636       ),
00637       'accession' => array(
00638         'sortable' => 1,
00639         'separator' => '',
00640       ),
00641       'description' => array(
00642         'sortable' => 1,
00643         'separator' => '',
00644       ),
00645       'version' => array(
00646         'sortable' => 1,
00647         'separator' => '',
00648       ),
00649     ),
00650     'default' => '-1',
00651   ));
00652   $handler = $view->new_display('page', 'Page', 'page_1');
00653   $handler->override_option('path', 'admin/tripal/tripal_db/list_dbxrefs');
00654   $handler->override_option('menu', array(
00655     'type' => 'normal',
00656     'title' => 'DB Reference Listing',
00657     'description' => 'A listing of all database references associated with a given database',
00658     'weight' => '10',
00659     'name' => 'navigation',
00660   ));
00661   $handler->override_option('tab_options', array(
00662     'type' => 'none',
00663     'title' => '',
00664     'description' => '',
00665     'weight' => 0,
00666     'name' => 'navigation',
00667   ));
00668   $views[$view->name] = $view;
00670   return $views;
00671 }
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