Updated Extension Page

Short Description

To help improve share-ability and searchability of extension modules, bulk loader templates, and materialized views (Drupal Views exports coming later), the extensions page on Tripal.info has been revamped.  

Longer Description

Anyone can now register for an account on tripal.info.  This will allow you to add your own extensions for sharing with others. Adding a new extension is relatively simple.  Create an account, log in, click the 'Add Content' link in the top menu and select the type of extension you wish to add.  Once your extension is saved it will be available for others to find.   (Please note, when creating an account, we do not yet have SSL encryption on the tripal.info site so please choose a unique password that you do not use elsewhere.)  Please consider adding extension modules even if in development stage as this helps improve collaboration and reduces duplication of effort.

All extensions are also available via an RSS feed:  http://tripal.info/rss/extensions.xml.  Soon, a new administrative interface will be added to the development branch of Tripal that will read this RSS feed and allow a site admin to see all compatible extensions from within the Tripal site.  Quick import buttons will be available to allow the site admin to easily import some of the extensions.

Hopefully, these changes and planned updates will help improve extension sharing and discovery.